
Beverly Cleary eBooks 29本Fifteen.pdf

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Beverly Cleary eBooks 29本Fifteen.pdf简介:
iiiCRiiiContentsChapter 1 Today Im going to meet a boy, Jane Purdy told…1 Chapter 2 Pop, have you ever thought about getting a dog? Jane… 26 Chapter 3 It was not until the next morning that Jane began…48 Chapter 4 All day Sunday Jane drifted around the house in a… 76 Chapter 5 By quarter to six on Saturday Jane, who had been… 98 Chapter 6 Love me on Monday, but dont love me one day.122 Chapter 7 When the bell finally brought to a close the period… 139 Chapter 8 Saturday morning, soon after breakfast, Julie phoned.155 Chapter 9 Although babysitting with Patsy Scruggs was hard work, Jane was… 175 Chapter 10 For the next three days Jane wondered what she should… 196 219 Chapter 11 The next two weeks passed quickly for Jane. It didƒAbout the Author Other Books by Beverly Cleary Credits Cover Copyright About the Publisher Chapter 1 Today Im going to meet a boy, Jane Purdy told herself, as she walked up Blossom Street toward her babysitting job. Today Im going to meet a boy. If she thought it often enough as if she really believed it, maybe she actually would meet a boy even though she was headed for Sandra Nortons house and the worst babysitting job in Wood-mont. If I dont step on any cracks in the sidewalk all the way there, Jane thought, Ill be sure to meet a boy. But avoiding cracks was silly, of course, and the sort of thing she had done when she was in the third grade. She was being just as silly as some of the other fifteen-year-old girls she knew, who 1 counted red convertibles and believed they would go steady with the first boy they saw after the hun-dredth red convertible. Counting convertibles and not stepping on cracks were no way to meet a boy. Maybe, when she finished her job with Sandra, she could walk down to Nibleys Confectionery and Soda Fountain and sit at the counter and order a chocolate Coke float; and if she sipped it very, very slowly, a new boy might happen to come in and sit down beside her. He would be at least s 展开>>

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